untuk menulis entry kali ni, semangt yg jitu perlu skali..
kalau org or blogger lain tulis tiap2 hari tiap2 masa,
apa yg deme mkn,buat,semua lah..
tp i'm not like them..
i'm not that rajin to write everyday even though there is a lot to write..
suke jgk nk tulis mcm kebanyakan manusia *eh kau tu bkn manusia ke??*
tp skrg ni dh terasa nk tulis, jd tulis je la..
first thing yg ade dlm minda fikiran kpale otak sanubari jiwa raga ni
My Chilhood Friend Had An Accident Yesterday
When accident is mention, i'm sure people will have the pictures of car,motorcycles damaged and totally ruined and blood is everywhere all over the floor ..
but in her case it is not like that..
tp tang darah tu maybe kot.. her UNIQUE accident happened
oppss before i forget, her name is Nurul Athirah Noor Azman
a Diploma in Science student
crime scene:
Lab somewhere in UiTM Perlis..
(aishh byk betul kejadian melibatkan knk2 UiTM Arau ni.. mmg la buas bdk2 ni!)
nearly Maghrib
(tu la org dah kate,anak dare senja2 duk dlm umah senyap2, ni tk.)
what happened?:
sedih nk cerita..
her hand just slipped into the rubber machine.. the rubber- flatten machine..
updated news:
1) she got admitted to Kangar Hospital -
she had operation and her four right-hand fingers broken and the nails need to be pulled out..
(ngilu nye.. time tulis ni pon meremang je)
2) paling lmbt she will go back home (in Ipoh) on Sunday; she gets 7-days MC.
sigh* ermm apa2 yg berlaku semuanya ada hikmah.. i'm glad she's so strong..
and keep that strong forever okay dear??
additional info: Her nails are so beautiful.. we classified it as 'Glass Nails'. :)
Japan Has Been Strucked By Massive Tsunami
7.9 Ritcher Scale - so huge
Sbnrnye lbih kpd rasa takut.. ini lbih kpd tanda2 dan peringatan kepada semua umat manusia..
btl2 takut.. mmg dah lame nk kembali kpd jln Allah.. jln yg sgt susah laluan nya..
Ya allah aku memohon kepada-Mu yaAllah tetapkan lah imanku hanya kepada-Mu..
Ampunilah aku ya Allah..
Tak terkata dosa dan rasa ku ya Allah..
Engkau Yang Maha Mengetahui apa yg dlm hati ku Ya Allah..
Ok insaf.. :(
ending tergantung.. tetibe tk tau da nk tulis ape..
n/k: nway, perlu ke jd mcm org lain?? tk kannn?? :D