June 27, 2011

i miss her as she's not here.

Hidup tidak selalunya indah
Langit tak selalu cerah
Suram malam tak berbintang
Itulah lukisan alam
Begitu aturan Tuhan

Manusia kalau tk ditimpa kesukaran sekali sekala tidak lah dinamakan mengalami proses kehidupan. Rasa hati sayu pabila mengenang sesuatu yang membuat hati terusik.. Sedih sgt mudah untuk dirasai, hati jd tk tenang, mahu segalanya kembali pulih spt sedia kala.. Kadang kala kita juga ter fikir untuk membiar kan sesuatu perkara itu begitu saja demi menjaga perkara yg lain.. cuma yg bezanya, which one is worth to be sacrificed?? yeah, i know people have to forgone something in order to gain another.. on what basis the desicion should be made?? through logical or emotional aspect?? everybody might have the ability to be advisor but not everybody can be a good listener.. when you are sad, what would you do?? cry? sigh* its difficult!

just now i sent my sister back to her hostel.. and now i start to miss her.. i love my sister.. all I hope is that she study hard and be a useful and successful person.. i might have my own way in expressing my love to her, so she is.. she is my only younger sister.. my cat is sooooooo gedik when she's around or she had returned home.. 
the conclusion is I LOVE MY FAMILY sooo much :).

foot note: entry tiada kaitan dgn yg hidup atau mati melainkan dinyatakan.. ia juga tidak melibatkan any specific or certain peristiwa.. just words..

sehingga menjumpai yg berkenan di hati, ruang ini akan diolah berulang2 kali.

sekian :)

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